Enter a keyword and scroll down to see where it appears
We can connect to your machine and help you with your questions or problems or demonstrate a program feature. To do that, you need to install in your machine a small program called Ultraviewer which is free for occasional users.
If you already have TeamViewer or Ultraviewrr instaled in your machine, Email us its ID, its Password, your phone and we will contact you before we connect.
For Ultraviewer: Copy this link to the URL box of your Browser https://www.ultraviewer.netm in order to download and install the Free copy of TeamViewer that will allow us to logon to your machine and see the same windows you see. Ultraviewer is much easier to install. So you can just click the above and install it.
For Teamviewer: Copy this link to the URL box of your Browser https://www.teamviewer.com in order to download and install the Free copy of TeamViewer that will allow us to logon to your machine and see the same windows you see.
During Installation of the TeamViewer program it asks you some questions:
Select as shown below:
Then Email us at support@visualtax.com the following:
The Teamviewer password changes/expires if you Close/Exit the TeamViewer program. This ensures that we cannot logon to your machine again, unless you give us the new Password.
Leave the TeamViewer running until we connect. You can minimize the TeamViewer if you want.
We will phone you before connecting to your machine, approximately the time you are available, and help you if we can. We can tell you what to click or do and we watch, or we click and you watch.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For more secure backup, use an external drive such as a USB stick (flash drive) and just change the drive letter of the destination folder to represent the flash drive. The File Explorer will tell you the drive letter of the USB drive. Example of destination drive: F:\BackUpTax\T1-20YY\Backup-2019-March-08
The default root data directory for T1 is C:\BackUpTax\T1-20YY\
The default root data directory for T2 is C:\BackUpTax\T2-20YY\
However any legitimate drive and/or folder can be used for T1 or T2 backup. e.g. F:\T1-20YY-July 18Backup\
During backup a directory is created under the root directory for that particular backup e.g. C:\BackUpTax\T1-20YY\Backup1\
The last part of the back up file name can be changed by you to any name you want such as Data1 rather than Backup1
For subsequent backups the program will automatically add 1 and go up to 5, then start from Backup1 again
This is a catch-all and unspecified error that CRA does not give you the reason it was issued.
Probable causes:
a. Rental Schedule (T776) and Business Statements such as T2125, Farming, Fishing etc.
- All submitted statements must have at least $1 in Gross Income and Net Income. (Net Income can be negative). Inspect them via the BSUM and Rental Summary.
- All individual income lines and individual expenses must be Positive and at least $1
- ALL partner Names and addresses must be fully entered (Street, City, Postal)
- The Business NAICS code (Industry code) must be selected from the list and it must be 6 numbers.
b. T1135: Telephone numbers at the end must be in the format (999) 999-9999
c. INFO form: You cannot Efile a return with address outside Canada
d. T2091: Principal Residence: Address must be provided in full and country must be 3 characters
e. Number of Financial StatementsTotal number of SFDs must not exceed 6 SFDs (Selected Financial Statements) are: T2125, T776, T2091, T777. T777S, TL2, Farming (T2042, T1273, T1163), Fishing (T2121).
f. Configuration -> Preparer: The Discounter Number may be incorrect.
g. Tax year:The tax year you are Efiling is not supported by CRA now (i.e. prior to 2017)
h. Fiscal periods:The Fiscal periods in Rental T776 or Self. eployment statements are incorrect
i. First-time Filer: If you ticked the First-time filer on the Info form, DO NOT tick the Last Name change indicator (2023 and later)
If you cannot resolve it, contact VisualTax with UltravViewer Id/Password.
Probable causes:
The Business Statement such as T2125 or Rental Statement T776, is incorrect.
Click EfileOnline and then click the item Efile Error Messages published by CRA. You can find specific error codes by clicking Ctrl F and entering the error code such as 149
E-filing prior years: The oldest T1 you can Efile with the latest CRA web service technology is normally the current year, plus the 3 prior years.
i.e. in tax year 2019 the oldest year you can Efile will be 2016 and later tax years.
The oldest T2 return you can Efile with the latest CRA web services technology must start in Jan 1, 2011 or later,
and you MUST use a T2 tax program of T2-2013 or later. For T2 programs older than 2013:
Start the Efile process which creates the COR file. Then use the url below to transmit the COR file to CRA:
Note: Efiling by transmitting a COR file, is an obsolete CRA method that does not meet the high security standards as the current CRA Web Services.
The Date in the T1135 should be with dashes, not slashes. Delete it and re-enter it
Below are typical error clues and Efile rejections you may get during Efiling a return with or without First-time filer.
1. When a user is getting web response 110-B, it is because the user has identified the taxpayer as a first time filer and the identification (First name (Given name), Middle Name (Second name), Last name (Family name), and date of birth) do not match what is on record. The user should verify with their client (taxpayer) the names that were provided to Service Canada when applying for the Social Insurance Number card. The names and date of birth have to be entered correctly in order to resolve web response 110-B. If the user is unable to resolve web response 110-B a paper return should be filed.
2. Error Clue 16 is returned to users who have not indicated the taxpayer as a first time filer, when the taxpayer is in fact a first time filer. In order to resolve this the user has to indicate that the taxpayer is a first time filer and should be answering yes for first time filer.
3. The web response 149-R would not be returned if the taxpayers names don not match what CRA has on record, The web response for the names not matching for first time filers is 110-B. If you are getting 149-R for a first time filer, it is because you indicated that the taxpayer is a first time filer and you entered Yes to the taxpayer has a name change. New this year for the 2023 tax year is the surname change indicator is not applicable to the first time filers. So if the first time filer is yes, the surname change indicator should be No or omitted.
Complete the T4 with no amount on Box 14. DO enter the EI Insurable Earnings And CPP Earnings even if the paper T4 slip does not show it. Enter the income on a self-employment statement.
If the T4 is the only self-employment of the taxpayer, then open form EFMEMO, scroll it down and in the overrides section enter line 50371 and value 1. Override Schedule RC381, Part 4, Line 1 Pensionable Earnings to 0.
If there is self-employment (other than from a T4) then on line 50371 you should enter only the other self-employment amount. The same thing applies to RC381. You must enter only the 'other' self-employment for CPP purposes.
You can then Efile it.
Most likely the taxpayer has an outstanding HBP account that requires repayment.
RRSP form: HBP Section
There is a line that requires you to enter the 'Required HBP Repayment'. Check with the CRA Help desk to tell you exactly how much it is and enter 'Y' on the override and enter the Amount CRA gave you.
If there was no RRSP contribution for HBP designation, this amount becomes taxable income on line 129
First you must complete properly the Efiler Number and Password: Just click the menu item EfileOnLine and select EOL Setup.
For Error 78 (duplicate DCN): Open the T183 form and click the button CREATE NEW DCN. The DCN is a random number and it could end up being duplicate, but very rarely. This button will create a new DCN number. Then Efile.
If it does not, it means you overrode the DCN box manually and it contains a DCN with * in front of it. In this case right click the box and select Set/Reset override. Then you click the button make new DCN number.
This can be any error code starting with 1, 2...etc and followed by another 5 digits.
Ensure that you learn how to interpret it.
Click the menu item EfileOnLine of the program and then double click the Efile Error Codes Manual.
In its table of contents, it lists errors that start with 1, or 2, etc and followed by 5 digit line numbers.
In this case the error is the line number represented by the 5 digits.
However, there is also an error range called Y00000: This refers to Selected Financial Statements (SFD).
Search the manual for Y00000 and the manual describes how you can interpet it
and find out which line number on the SFD is incorrect.
Most likely your Efiler Number or Password is incorrect.
As a result you could not connect to CRA, as you were rejected in the front gate.
Ensure you enter it correctly on the EfileOnLine -> EOL and EolPlus.
If you are Efiling with a prior year program,
ensure your are using the latest Efiler number and Password provided to you by CRA.
Quick method (No Variance review, No back up of initial return)
Step 1: Save the tax return, and on the Save As window, change the status to Ready for Efile, and then Save it.
Step 3: Open form INFO and scroll down towards the end (or click the tab page 3) until you locate the red Re-File Version: Enter R1 in it. Make the required changes to the tax return before or after step 2.
Step 4: Click the menu item EfileOnLine and then click Current Return.
Correct method:
To start off, open the already Efiled return and before you make any changes to it, click the menu item EfileOnLine -> ReFILE and as CRA requested, read the CRA instructions page. Following that, the program opens the REFILEQ form that has a Help button with additional instructions. You must follow the instructions and steps outlined in the REFILEQ form.
If another preparer did the original Efile:
Use only the Quick method
There is an entry at field 437 for total income tax deducted but no income was reported at a field which income tax would have been deducted (fields 101, 113, 114, 115, 116, 119, 129, 5345 and/or 5347). Review your client's documents to determine the entries required. Ensure that instalment payments (field 476) or foreign taxes withheld (field 431) have not been entered as total income tax deducted at field 437.
Open Form EFMEMO and on field 53450 enter the income on which tax was witheld.
This error happens more often in tax year 2020 due to Covid-19.
Example is the T4A slip that may have covid-19 boxes, income reported as other income and it has tax withheld.
That income must be reported on box 53450 located at the top of the EFMEMO form.
This error may come up due to several reasons, such as:
- First time receiving retirement. See form RC381: On Part 3, Line 13 there is a special adjustment. If the program calculated adjustment 19d is different than Line 13, enter Y to use the adjusted amount on Line 13. This will increase the tax payable, or reduce a refund, but it appears to be mandatory. You can see the details of how the adjusted amount is calculated by double clicking line 19d
- In cases you have Hairdressers, Placement Offices, etc see details by entering T4 Placement Office on the Search box
When I try to Efile it says:
Error: soapenv:Server.userException
"...cannot locate the Resource specified..."
- System error (with a bunch of numbers)
- XP and Vista machines are not any longer suitable for Efiling, as they do not meet the latest security requirements.
- Verify with CRA that the Efile Service is up and running.
Otherwise check the following, one by one using the process of elimination:
a. Ensure your Efiler Number is correct (5 characters) in EfileOnline->Setup EOL and re-type the CORRECT Password (7 characters). Do not copy and paste as this may copy invisible characters, spaces, etc.
b. Very likely, your Firewall may be blocking your connection (Either 'disable' the firewall or configure it to
allow the program to connect).
c. It would be better to set Internet Explorer as your 'Default' browser.
Failing the above:
d. Restore Internet Explorer Options
e. It could be that a MS Windows Update or Firewall has changed your Internet security parameters that must be in effect now, as described on the Internet Security instructions below issued by CRA:
NOTE: Soap Environment error may also come up if there is something wrong with the data, such as an incorrect industry code in T2125, an incorrect Spousal SIN or date of birth in the INFO screen, an incorrect Internet address in T2125, etc
You must enter the Partnership Business number (9 digits) and/or the Tax Shelter Number in addition to completing Lines 8299 and 9946.
It relates to the Foreign Tax Credit. In general, to claim Foreign tax credits you need to have both: Foreign income and corresponding foreign tax paid. Both must be $1 at least. See the FORINC form. If you only have Foreign income and not foreign tax, then you cannot claim any credit. On the line Net non-Business line,Or Net Business income override both the Income and the Tax to Zero. To override, right click the amount and select Set/Reset override and enter zero.
The problem is caused by incorrect File Type Associations in your machine. In general and for easy viewing, HTM and XML file types should be opened/displayed with the Internet Explorer. You can do it as follows:
Click EfileOnLine -> History of Efile submissions. This gives you a listing of files (Audit Trail) of what you submitted and what you received.
Right click on a file with extension HTM and then click 'Open with...' and then 'Choose default program' and then select 'Internet Explorer'.
Repeat the same thing for a file having XML extension.
SFD statements are the following: The self-employment statements (T2125, T2042, T2121, T1163 and T1273), Rental (T776), T777, TL2 and T2091 (Principal jursisdiction)
Usual causes of errors:
SFD errors come as 6 digit codes: The LAST 4 digits indicate the line number on the SFD statement that is at fault.
1. The location of the file is in the folder specified in menu item EfileOnLine -> Setup EOL
2. During transmission, you will see a Browse button. When you click it, it will show you the ...TAX file on the above folder.
If the folder in the look-in box of the Browse window is not the one as per step 1, then use the arrow of the look-in box to navigate the folders until you get to that specified folder. Then the Tax file will show. Then you double click on it.
3. If you interrupt the transmission, or upon submitting the return, that file is automatically deleted by the program.
Click EfileOnLine (Top Menu) and then Click Efile Online (Current Return). Then click the 'Display File' button. It shows you line numbers and amounts that will be transmitted to Efile
The last 4 digits of the Efile error code is the line number in error.
Solution: In Rental and Self employment statements ensure that the individual income or expense lines are positive and not less than a dollar.
Check the Document Control Number (DCN) in the T183 form
The DCN number must be 13 characters data consisting of the Efiler
number + 8 digits. (SIN is not allowed)
Unacceptable DCN numbers may be in returns prepared with the T1Prelim
or draft version of the program or rolled-over from last year before
entering the Efiler number on the Setup screens described below.
For new returns the program will automatically generate the new
format of the DCN number.
For correct and automatic generation of the DCN number, enter the
Efiler Number in both:
a. the EOL setup (Click on EfileOnLine and then Setup EOL)
b. the EOL Plus setup (Click on EfileOnLine and then Setup EOL Plus)
DO NOT DELETE OR CHANGE THE DCN number on the T183.If you need to change it,
just click the button MAKE NEW DCN. The program will replace the DCN number
with a new one consisting of the EfilerNo+MMDDnnnn.
When you click on this error message it takes you to the Info form. The Efile indicator should be set to 'X' (not 'Y'). It appears that if you rolled-over from CanTax or Profile the indicator is coming as 'Y'.
Click on File|Open Selectively or on EFile|Rejected Returns Click on 'Ef Rejected' radio button. If the program knows of any rejected returns it will display them on the list box.
You can open one or more returns for editing.
Click on EFile|EFile Errors-current return and enter the error code on the 'Find Error Code' box.
Alternatively, you can click on the 'All (Master List) radio button.
Click on Forms. Double click on the 'EFile Memo' form located in the Miscellaneous column.
Scroll down until you locate the section 'Overrides', Enter the field number and an amount in the 'Value for Efile'.
Leave the amount blank if you do not want to transmit the field to EFile.
This change does not affect any calculations of the tax return.
Click on Forms. Double click on the 'EFile Memo' form located in the Miscellaneous column.
Enter Y on the distribution override box.
Enter the amounts under banks, Bonds etc. as appropriate.
The EFile data directory (normally C:\T1-20XX\EFile) stores all files generated during the EFile operations.
You can use Windows Explorer to erase all files from that directory.
You can override field 9907 at the bottom of the 'EFile memo fields' screen. Enter 9907 under the LineNo and the correct amount under the Value column (leave the value blank if 9907 should be zero).
The wizard generates certain Efile diagnostics for your review.
They should be fixed before you can Efile the return. In some cases
you simply need to go to the Efile Memo fields form and confirm
at the top with a 'Yes' that you reviewed the warnings.
In some cases it will ask you to review the T691 form and enter
$1 in a line number. This confirms that you reviewed the minimum
tax form, although most likely you are not subject to minimum tax.
Usually means the file submitted is a tax file but it contains errors.
Known cases:
On the T4 slip leave box 14 empty and on the 'other information' of the T4, in box 71 enter the taxable amount of the slip that is also equal to box 24 and 26. In the 'EFile Memo fields' screen (Press F2 and find form under Worksheets - Federal) enter the T4 income in 5347 and 5363 lines.
The taxpayer must repay HBP according to CRA.
Click here and download an older but free PDF driver; www.visualtax.com/downloads/pdf481std.exe
In the Build Print Templates window. Select Configure | Print Templates… menu item. You can specify the number of copies to be printed for each form on the right-hand list box showing the template form.
You can increase the print speed if you increase the amount of memory in your printer. However, you can also increase the print speed without any changes to your printer hardware by:
Reducing the print quality (called dots per inch or DPI) to 150 dpi or 75. You can specify this parameter in the Printer Setup window.
In the Build Print Templates window. Select Configure | Print Templates… menu item. For more details refer to the chapter titled "Print Services" in this guide.
The program is distributed with a predefined printing sequence. You can modify this sequence by doing the following:
Close all returns and Click on Utilities|Advanced|Change Form Specifications.
Click on the Print Sequence radio button of the screen displayed (Modify T1SCR.DBF).
Under heading PRNSEQ you notice a print sequence number incrementing by one or more numbers.
By changing these numbers you can change the sequence of printing. Forms that print without any sequence have print sequence number of 999.
Decide where a given form should be in this numbering scheme and the number it should have. This number should be at least one more than the form after which it should print. Locate the form on the list and enter this number in the PRNSEQ.
Click on the Save button.
Check the DISPLAY properties via the Control Panel. There is a property called DPI (Dots Per Inch).
In Win7 and higher the DPI will be found in 'Make text and other items larger or smaller'. In WIN 7 or higher, set the DPI to 100 (minimum offered).
In XP machines you will find the DPI in in Display Properties -> Advanced. In XP machines set ithe DPI to 96.
If you choose a higher DPI, some forms may print narrow or overflow.
This can also affect the CRA filing copy which is the Condensed printing of the tax return. Specifically, the T1-KFS page of the T1 jacket may not show all the Income and Net Income amounts due to overflow and CRA may reject it.
To Save or Print or Email the entire tax return or a specific form in PDF format you need to install a special driver.
The driver we recommend is the PdfFactory driver that can be downloaded free from www.fineprint.com. This driver has the capability to combine print pages into a single PDF and it also allows to Email the generated PDF file.
Once you download and install the PdfFactory driver, you can proceed as follows:
1. Open a return and press Alt P to get the print menu.
2. Select either Current Form or Current return
3. In the Print dialog, select PdfFactory as your printer. This allows you to Save a file with extension of PDF that can be printed or Emailed.
The free/Trial version of the PdfFactory may not allow you to Save as Pdf or the saving feature may expire after a few weeks. We recomment that you purchase the non-trial version of PdfFactory ($50 to $80?). It is worth every penny of it as you can use it every year with any software (i.e, with Word, Excel,Accounting and tax software, etc). We gave it our highest rating among more than a dozen PDF drivers we reviewed. Note: We are not associated with this US company. We re just users of it in our every day computer work.
Display any of its pages. Click on Print|Current Form
Click Print-> Current return-> CRA (Filing Copy) -> Print
What will be printed is the T1C (T1 Condensed) required by CRA for paper filing purposes, together with some schedules that are not part of the T1C. This format existed also in the T1-2011 (it is not new this year).
Click on Print | Letters/Labels. In the upcoming window, click
the button "add manually" and enter the SIN of the client.
Then click on the Print Label button.
Note: The middle list can also be populated based on filters (basic
or advanced)
Set up a print template (Configuration | Print templates) i.e.
Other 3
Include only the TAXSUM form and save. Then ask for Batch printing
(under Print). Select all clients and print.
for instructions see help section
Use Alt 4 (Also: Alt 3=T3, Alt 5=T5, etc)
Click on the data field, right click it, select 'show what the value was last year'(Power version only)
You can enter such transactions on the T5008 form and they will be automatically posted as follows:
- If the security type is C, they will be posted to S3 as Capital Gains income
- If the security type is I, they will be posted to S4WS as Investment Income
If you received the T5008 slips via Autofill please note the following:
Open up the T5008 form and click the Show Summary button.
Then click the vertical righthand panel tab called 'Autofill Slips.' and filter it for T5008.
If you cannot see the vertical tabs on the right, drag the red, righthand vertical splitter to the left
to see the right hand panel that shows the vertical tabs: Hide,Review,...Autofill Slips.
Some taxpayers may be day traders who can have a few thousand slips a year or more.
We believe CRA may not give you all the slips via Autofill, as this may crash the tax programs.
If in doubt, check with your client about the maximum slips expected.
Click on the data field, right click it, select 'attach adding tape'
Click on the data field, right click it, choose 'attach note'
F2 key to bring up Forms Explorer, forms in use are highlighted
In the SUPPLEMENTARY section of Page 1,under Special Type of return (bottom of page)
Dependents must be entered on the 'DEPENDANTS' form. (Click on Forms and then double click on Dependants).
All schedules reference dependants from the Dependants form.
Enter in Schedule 2 (Ctrl 2). If coupled, Schedule 2 is prepared automatically
In Schedule 5 (S5), override the claim by entering a Y on the Override Box.
You must also override the Provincial spousal credit on form xx428, Line 58120
If you cannot find the spouse's income, enter a high net Income $20,000) on Schedule 2 (S2) so it does not trigger any spousal transfer or spousal credit.
Use Schedule 2 (Ctrl 2) and enter a high income.
Copy the tax return into a floppy from the first computer with your File Manager or the DOS command:
COPY C:\T1-2010\DATA\nnnnnnnn.n A:
where nnnnnnnnn is the S.I.N of the tax return.
On the second computer, copy the tax return from the floppy into an existing data directory either with your File Manager or the DOS command:
COPY A:nnnnnnnn.n C:\T1-2010\DATA
Then click on File|Open By File Name item. Once the return is loaded, you can save it into any of your predefined data directories on your hard disk or floppies. The 'Save' function will post this new tax return on the database of the data directory where it has been saved. From that point on, the return will start appearing on the tax return listings such as 'Open', 'Create RTU', etc.
If a data field is displayed in BLUE color, you can enter data directly in it. If a data field is GREEN, then it is a linked field.. If you attempt to enter data in a green field, VisualTax will open the form that calculates this field. When you fill the form and return to the original form (use F7 icon or key), you will see the calculated field value. You cannot enter data in protected field that is displayed in BLACK.
Select Configure | Preparer… menu item. VisualTax will open the Tax Preparer Information window. Click the box "Efile Considered" then click the Save button. Remember that the Efile processing setting will take effect with new returns only from this point on. Existing returns will have the settings that were in effect when they were first prepared.
You can change a return processing from one type to another in the Supplementary data of Page 1. In the Processing Options section type N for the question "Is this a EFiled Return" to set THIS return processing option to Paper, or type Y if you want to set the processing for THIS return to Efile.
Click on the FAMILY ON button.
This temporarily dis-engages the coupled returns and stops the flow of income or deductions between the family returns.
This is useful in cases where you established the Net Incomes of the two spouses
but you want to continue with each one independently, for fine tuning purposes or speed up the data entry process.
As long as family coupling is ON any change on one return will cause recalculation on all linked returns.
To re-establish the coupling mode you should click on the START COUPLING icon.
OTHER NOTES: See menu Configure -> General Options -> Display.
In the prompt Open Couple without warning: Leave this box blank. Then when you open a return, it asks you Process as Family again? Select NO This allows you to process a tax return on its own.
To fully disconnect the two spouses do the following before Saving it. Click on the FAMILY ON button if it is ON with red colour. Then open form: FAMSET Right click it and select CLEAR CURRENT FORM. Switch to the other spouse and repeat this for the other spouse. Then save both returns.
Before you start the new return, you will have to set the default province to BC instead of Ontario. Go to the Tax Preparer Information window (use Configure | Preparer… menu item). Change the default province to BC and click the Save button. Remember to reset the default province back to Ontario, using the same Tax Preparer Information window, when you have finished the BC return, or before you open a new return for Ontario.
Remember that once a return is saved, the province information is saved with it. If you open the BC return again to work on it, you do not have to set the default province to BC again.
The above method is the safest for EFiled returns.
Another method is to change the 'Province of Residence' right on Page-1 of the jacket by pressing the space bar over it. Then select the new province from the list box.
It would be wise then to 'Clear' the Ontario Tax Credits form so no Ontario field are transmitted to EFile.
A form can be cleared by first displaying it and then clicking the 'Clear Form' item of the main menu under 'Forms'.
Use Schedule 5 (Ctrl 5) and enter the dd/mm of Marital Status change.
Spousal Amount Override: Override Line 30300 of T1, and line 5812 on the Provincial Tax form. Efiling aspects are handled by the program automatically.
To delete a business statement (or any form) you should use the 'Clear Form' facility. Right click on the form and select clear form. Program default data will stay. The 'clear form' actually clears all pages of a form. 'Clear Page' clears only the current page of a form.
Change the periods in the medical expenses form.
Use the Union Dues form (Press F2 for Forms, last column)
Use the S03 - Supplementary schedules (Qualified and Non qualified for the Capital Gains Deduction). You can enter practically an unlimited number of dispositions. These schedules offer multiple pages.
These are generic codes not associated with a specific foreign country. If your tax return involves only one foreign country then enter code 1. If it involves two, the second country should be entered with code 2.
First enter all the shared slips in one of the spouses with the
proper percentage. Then start coupling. The program will copy the
slips from the first spouse to the second spouse with the proper
%. Then enter the individually owned slips on each spouse. During
coupling the program matches slips (and/or shared elf-employment
statements) by number. i.e. #1 with #1, #2 with #2, etc.
For major re-shuffling is best to turn the coupling off, as coupling
tends to interfere by constantly picking up from the other spouse.
After clean-up, you can turn coupling 'on' again.
SHARED STATEMENTS: After you enter the tax payer's share i.e. 50%,
ensure that you allocate the remaining % to the spouse or other
partners in the 'Details of Partners' section of the form, before
you start coupling. (Page 2 of T2124 or T2032)
For better speed during data entry:
Use the 'ATTACH ADDING TAPE' facility of the program.
Example: Click once on the amount of a form. Then RIGHT click on
it. Select 'Attach adding tape' from the pop-up. It has an-auto-post
This facility can be used for any amount field on any form of the
program. The adding tapes forms are kept with the tax return and
they are printable. The Audit Wizard will show you in what places
you used the adding tape facility.
Use the RRSP Worksheet. It will do it automatically, including efile considerations.
Enter code 13 in box 38
Use a T4 slip as follows:
Enter Province: QC on box 10 of the T4 slip
and complete all other boxes normally.
If the province of residence is NOT QC, then on a second T4 slip
enter province QC on box 10, and enter only the Quebec tax on box 22 of the T4 slip.
For Efiling purposes, open the form EFMEMO and
complete the section of the form called Quebec related.
In very rare cases you may need to override an amount calculated by the program.
Override means: Forget what the program calculates, as I want to use my own value.
In general avoid using overrides unless the program is incorrect or you have some rare case not covered by the program.
Depending on the case, consider Emailing the issue to VisualTax Support.
You can do an override of a calculated amount with two ways.
a. Left click the data box and press Shift F2 with your key board. Then enter on the data box the amount you want. If you want to remove the override, press Shift F2 again.
b. Right click the data box and select set/reset the override (toggle). Then enter on the data box the amount you want. If you want to remove the override, do again the Set/reset override.
The overrided data boxes are listed on the left panel under the Audit tab.Method 1:
provides more flexibilty
On the INFO Form:
Why doesn't the program do proration all the time for newcomers to Canada?
It depends on how you completed the Newcomer to Canada information section on the INFO form. The amounts you enter on boxes 5292 and 5293 determine the rule of 90 on the same section. These boxes cannot accept '0' amounts, you must enter '1'. If the rule of 90 is in effect, then there is no proration, meaning that the tax payer gets the full non-refundable credits.
For detail info: Click the menu item EfileOnLine -> Efile Appendices and see Appendix L, where CRA explains the NewComer non refundable credits , line 5292 and 5293 and provides examples.
Complete the T2091 form. If you have an amount at line 56 of T2091 that would be the capital Gain to include on S3. CRA says to enter it on Line 158. In VT, this line is a calculated amount so it will not allow you to enter it directly on it. So enter the Capital gain directly on the Proceeds column and then the program will transfer it to line 158.
If the pre-entry to Canada income is zero (Canadian and foreign countries) , then enter $1 in fields 5292 and 5293 of the INFO form. This allows the newcomer to claim full non-refundable credits.
See also the CRA write up in EfileOnline -> Efiler's User Manual and search the keyword Newcomer with Ctrl F.
Complete the box 'Check if spouse's income is zero'. It is located together with the Box where the spouse's Net income would normally show. CRA requires you to explicitly state that the spouse does not have Net Income and it is not that you forgot to enter it or you do not know it.
INFO form of the deceased: Enter Marital Status as Married (as
it was at the time of death), and also enter the date of death
INFO of Widow(er): Enter Marital Status as Widow(er), enter the
Marital Status Change mm/dd and on the Spouse section enter the
spouse date of death
Then Start the Coupling from the Married spouse (in this case the deceased).
The rest s/b automatic.
ALSO: Given that the Widow (er) is not married at the end of the
In the Widow(er) S2 Federal, enter Y on the top to allow spousal
transfers even if not married at the end of the year. The same for
S2Prv (provincial transfers)
In 2011 the form had the description of the disability instead of Yes or No. If you rolled over the return with an early version of the program, the disability column may have the disability description (not Y or N or blank). To remove it: See 'Bring Net / Taxable income from coupling?' and set this indicator to No.
Then you can enter Y or N on the disability column.
If it is a coupled return: First stop the coupling and do the above on both spouses.
Business income on a T3 slip must also be entered on the designated line A2 of a T2125 statement ON ITS OWN (no other income on that statement). The NAICS codes to be used are the ones starting with 526 (such as Equity funds...). On the NAICS selection screen enter 526 and then click Find to select an appropriate code such as 526911.
Any foreign taxes paid entered on the T3 slips, are accounted automatically by the program via the Foreign Income Summary form (ForInc).
The Tax Planner -2013 is meant to use the 2013 tax rates/legislation but it is too early for that. This facility is normally opened up once Federal/Provincial budgets are announced. If you want to play with scenarios using the current tax rates of the program: Open any return, do your scenario (or scenarios) and in the 'Save As' screen, change the File Name to a short name such as Plan1, Plan2 etc. and ALSO enter a different folder such as c:\T1-2012\MyPlans. If you created a plan or scenario that you want to use for filing purposes, simple use 'Save as' (F3), change the file name to be the SIN in the format nnnnnnnn.n and change the Data folder to your production data folder such as C:\T1-2012\data.
NOTE: If you want to use the Coupling features of the program, you must use the standard file name nnnnnnnn.n and change only the Data folder in the 'Save As' screen. Otherwise, coupling will not work with file names such as Plan1 etc.
Complete the T4 with no amount on Box 14. DO enter the EI Insurable Earnings And CPP Earnings even if the paper T4 slip does not show it. Enter the income on a self-employment statement.
If the T4 is the only self-employment of the taxpayer, then open form EFMEMO, scroll it down and in the overrides section enter line 50371 and value 1. Override Schedule RC381, Part 4, Line 1 Pensionable Earnings to 0.
If there is self-employment (other than from a T4) then on line 50371 you should enter only the other self-employment amount. The same thing applies to RC381. You must enter only the 'other' self-employment for CPP purposes.
You can then Efile it.
CRA emailed the following message to software developers. This change cannot be found on the T1 Guide.
This year, we would like to bring to your attention
the calculation of line 11 on the federal schedule 11 only for those taxpayers
who have large amounts of Tuition, Education and Textbook amounts and have
income that exceeds the first income threshold on schedule 1.
In accordance with legislation, the calculation at line 11 on the federal
schedule 11 and the equivalent lines on the provincial forms are as follows:
Fed. or Prov. Tax on Taxable Income* divided by lowest Fed. or Prov. Tax
*Tax on Taxable Income is:
Line 34 on Federal Schedule 1
Line 38 on the NU, BC, ON and NL 428
Line 42 on the YK428
Line 40 on the SK and MB 428
Line 37 on the NWT and NB 428
Line 30 on the AB428
Line 39 on the PEI and NS 428
Our commentary:
The above request has been implemented in VisualTax in the first release (Jan 31, 2009) and also in the draft version prior to it. In previous years, line 11 was always equal to taxable income, Line 260.
Support of this change is in the Income Tax Act, in particular subsection 118.5(1). It is not really a change, but it seems to be CRA's correct application of the Income Tax Act.
Starting with the Feb. 24, 2008 update, all assets and automobiles must be entered on the Assets and Automobiles forms and should not be entered directly on a statement. The Feb 24, 2008 update was re-posted to warn you of this error and help you with this transition.
See more...Step 1: You must complete the CRA eligibility question on the INFO screen. Note: Prison question appears also on the 'Information about you' section of the INFO form. If it passes this eligibility, then the program checks the remaining criteria (residency, birthdate, etc.)
Step 2: On Schedule 6, enter 'Y' to confirm eligibility so the program does the calculations. As tax return preparation progresses, the programs monitors income levels and other known criteria to calculate and post the WITB claim on the tax return (See Line 453 at the bottom of the Tax Summary) or remove the claim if zero amount is calculated.
Differentiate the two statements. For example: If husband uses T2125#1 then the wife should use T2125#2 or another number as long as they are different.
1. First Break the coupling and arrange the statements properly. (Just click the FamilyOn red button or click the menu item Family -> Break Coupling)
Suppose you decide to use T2125#1 for the husband and T2125#2 for the wife.
2. If you have self employment coming from T4A box 020 or box 048, ensure the T4A box says 'post to T2125#1 or #2' depending on whose it is
3: If you have CCA or Auto expenses (AutosB or Autos forms) ensure they are allocated to the proper statement (T2125#1 or T2125#2)
4. Open the wife's business statement #1, right click on it and select Clear Current form. Then go to the next statement T2125#2 and enter the wife's Income/Expenses. (or use the Copy facility of the program described below)
5. Use Ctrl F3 to save both returns so you capture/save the work you did
6. Inspect the Business Statements using the Business Summary (BSUM).
7. Re-couple (Click menu item Family -> Start coupling).
Advanced users can also use the Copy form facility of the program which allows you to relocate a form from one position to another. Click the menu item Forms->Copy Form). Example: Open the wife's business statement T2125#1, right click on it and select Copy form data. On the upcoming window select Wife as 'From' and Wife as 'To' and on the right hand side change #1 to #2. Then click the Move button which copies the statement from position #1 to position #2 and also removes (clears) the data from T2125#1.
1. Enter the dependant in the dependants List. If Disabled, enter
something on the Infirmity column.
2. Open the Federal 'Disab/Tuition Xfer' form. (press F2, last column)
a. Manual mode: Enter Y and N on the top indicators. Then complete
all the missing information manually. Do the same on the Provincial
transfer form.
b. Automatic Coupling mode: Include the dependant in the Family
coupling*. After completing the dependant's return, including his/her
S11 transfer data if applicable, go to the parent's Transfer Screen,
and enter Y and Y on the top indicators**. This will automatically
complete all data in the transfer screen (Federal and Provincial).
* If the dependant is not already included in the family coupling,
Click on Family | Family Set up (revise), Clear the upcoming form
and then click on the Start Coupling icon and include the dependant
by entering X against it.
** After the transfer is complete and verified, and before saving
the parent's return, change the second transfer indicator to N,
so the program freezes the transfer amounts and it does not look
for and it does not rely on the dependant's return any longer.
Any number of family members can be added and are cross-posted and optimized. Family coupling is based on the dependants screen. There is no separate set-up of family members.
Any annuity income reported at line 115, should also be included at Field 9907. Annuity income can be found on T4A - boxes 24 and/or 28, T5 - box 19 and T4RIF boxes 16 or 20. Field 9907 is automatically filled by the program.
The transfer amount must be declared as income (line 115, 130, etc). Include the amount in line 2 or 3 and field 240 of Schedule 7. This is done automatically via the RRSP Worksheet.
In the federal 'Disab/Tuition Xfer' form you can start off with
indicators Y/Y.
The second Y tells the program to pick up the various S11 related
amounts from the student's return being in memory concurrently.
To 'freeze' the transfer amount and stop relying on the student
return being concurrently processed, you can make the second Y into
a 'No' telling the program not to look for the student's return
any longer. Once you save the return with Y/N, then the parent's
return can be processed on its own, without the need to load the
student's return.
If you do not have the student's return at all, then the transfer
indicators must always be Y/N.
Keep in mind that there is also a provincial transfer form (P-Disab/Tuition
Xfer) that may have different transfers and different unused amounts
from prior years.
For correct processing you must enter the Capital Gains Inclusion Rate for 2000. This rate (i.e. 50%) must be entered on the FIRST page of the Losses Continuity form.
In Federal S11 of student, just above line 327, enter Y. Then
you enter either transfer the maximum amount or a portion.
Repeat the same for line 5920 in the Provincial S11 (form listed
as P-S11-Tuition
Click on File | Import
The 2012 program needs to know where your 2011 tax returns have been saved last year. The safest way is to run the previous year program (T1-2011) and click Configure -> General Options -> Data Directories. The folder that shows on the Current Directory on the top of the window is where the returns have been saved in 2011. Mark it down or better highlight it and Press Ctrl C (to capture it).
Then run the T1-2012 program, and click Configure -> General Options -> Data Directories. Now complete carefully the section that needs last year's data directories. In the Last Year's Data Directory you enter the one you saw on the T1-2011 Current directory. (or press Ctrl V to insert it automatically, or click Browse and select Last Year's Data Directory).
The above is a one time set up. Once done, you can click the Rollover button.
If the Rollover window does not show you last year's returns it means that the directory was incorrect.
In the Control Panel | Regional Settings set the Short Date format to mm/dd/yyyy
Do not use the pre-millennium settings with only two digits for the year (yy) after the year 2000. Always use yyyy
IMPORTANT SUGGESTION: Use the Exclusion capability of your Firewall and enter the VisualTax installation folder as part of its exclusion list. Example: Enter the folder C:\VT-2019 on the exclusion list of your firewall, so it will not intefere with the various programs on that folder. If you do not know how, contact your Firewall supplier
As publishers, we try to give you clean software that will go through your chosen protection software with minimum interruptions.
Firewalls are updated by the vendors almost daily in their quest to find malicious software. A lot of them use heuristic algorithms, that most often generate false alarms. Lately we investigated one Firewall/Antivirus program that was generating fictitious alarms that no other program in the market did!
Some firewalls look at the Date a program was created. A new version of a tax software with a new date, can raise the firewall/antivirus eyebrows, as they view each dated release as a different and unknown program that will 'harm your computer'.
Others look at the program functionality and if they detect links to another web site, they consider the program as malicious.
Badly designed firewalls and Antivirus programs, quarantine programs without even telling you anything. A quarantined program or file behaves as missing, and unless you know how to restore it, it can leave you cold in front of your clients. You must find out how to restore quarantined files so you can continue to work.
In general, you should configure your Firewalls or Antivirus programs to stop interfering with the following VT programs:
Vt2017SetupFull.exe (Downloaded installation program)
Vt2017.exe (The main VT program that you run)
vtChkupd.exe (The program that checks and does the update)
PdfFactory.exe (The program that provides PDF printouts)
TddGetData.exe (The program involved in Autofill)
TR2017.exe (The program that does the Tax Reasearch)
If you do not know how, phone your Firewall/Antivirus supplier to tell you how to:
Add them in the'user trusted' list of your Firewall
or add them in the 'Exclusions' list of your Firewall
or add the above in the 'White List' of your Firewall.
Some firewalls allow you to specify a full directory in the exclusion list so that you can enter C:\vt-2017 in the exclusion list.
All good programs provide such capabilities as they recognize that their logic can generate 'False Positive' alarms and they need to give you an escape, instead of returning their product for a refund.
It is better if you do the above before you start downloading.
For old program years prior to 2016.
Step 1: Copy the full PROGRAM folders from your old machine to the new machine, using a flash drive or your network. For example to install the T1-2006: Copy folder C:\T1-2006 from the old machine to the new machine. This brings over the configuration items and also the data, provided the data folder was a subfolder of the program folder i.e. C:\T1-2006\data.
Step 2: You must install the ComComp.exe (common Components) from the Downloads page of www.visualtax.com
Step 3: Create an Icon for each program: Right click on the desktop and select New-> Shortcut and enter for example C:\T1-2006\t12006.exe
For new VT program years after 2015 (vt-2015 to present)
Step 1: Copy the full VT PROGRAM folders (i.e copy folder C:\VT-2018) your old machine to the new machine, using a flash drive or your network as for all programs.
Step 2: Re-Install or install the VT program for each year from the Downloads page of www.visualtax.com This will establish your existing configuration parameters and establish the icons to run the programs.
Step 3: Copy the Data directory for each year from the old machine to the new machine using a flash drive or your network. i.e. copy C:\vt\T1-2018 data from the old machine to the new machine.
If you cannot do the above please call your computer technician or ask us to provide you with our own technician. There will be a charge depending on the number of years and number of tax modules you have. Please inform us accordingly. The minimum charge is $99 plus GST/HST.
Right click on the desktop and select New-> Shortcut and enter for example C:\VT-2019\VT2019.exe
Then click Next and enter a short name such as VT-2019
For other functions related to shortcut organization, and All Programs in the Start button, see your windows help or search the Internet
Antivirus and Firewalls can affect installation and also internet connetion for Efiling by blocking proper installation or program operation without warning. It may also delete a program icon that was created for launching the program.
The remedy is to 'Disable' your Antivirus and Firewall during installation of the Common Components or the T1Full, at least temporarily or follow its procedures as to how to be prompted for action when Norton asks for permission to proceed or block any further processing.
For old program years prior to 2016.
Step 1: Copy the full PROGRAM folders from your old machine to the new machine, using a flash drive or your network. For example to install the T1-2006: Copy folder C:\T1-2006 from the old machine to the new machine. This brings over the configuration items and also the data, provided the data folder was a subfolder of the program folder i.e. C:\T1-2006\data.
Step 2: You must install the ComComp.exe (common Components) from the Downloads page of www.visualtax.com
Step 3: Create an Icon for each program: Right click on the desktop and select New-> Shortcut and enter for example C:\T1-2006\t12006.exe
For VT programs after 2015 (VT-2016 to now)
Step 1: Copy the full VT PROGRAM folders (i.e copy folder C:\VT-2018) your old machine to the new machine, using a flash drive or your network as for all programs.
Step 2: Re-Install or install the VT program for each year from the Downloads page of www.visualtax.com This will establish your existing configuration parameters and establish the icons to run the programs.
Step 3: Copy the Data directory for each year from the old machine to the new machine using a flash drive or your network. i.e. copy C:\vt\T1-2018 data from the old machine to the new machine.
If you cannot do the above on your own, please call your computer technician for help or ask us to provide you with our own technician. There will be a charge depending on the number of years and number of tax modules you have. Please let us know accordingly. The minimum charge is $100 plus GST/HST.
Updates are issued during the tax season which includes improvements suggested by our clients, mandatory changes that may originate from Revenue Canada (such as delayed forms) or program bugs that must be fixed. To get the optimum performance from the program you should visit this site from time to time. Any update with a date later than the date indicated on the main window of your program most likely will be worth taking. The update you download contains all changes made since the Jan. 31 release of the program. Your original disks plus the latest update you download is the full set you need for an up-to-date re-installation, if that need arises in the future.
If you have not installed properly the 'Common Components' you will get a message such as 'Required DLL is missing'. Ensure that you download and install the Common Components (ComComp.exe). Also see the Download and Installation instructions
Copy the PROGRAM folders from your old computer to the new computer, using the same program folders.
Click the Menu item Utilities -> Edit Supported Files and double click and open the File NAICS.D
Then you can add new codes/descriptions in any of the sections, or you can delete an existing old code
or type a new code/description over an existing one.
Then after edit, just click 'Save'. From that point on the revised codes will be available in the NAICS dropdown list of T2125 and other Self-employment statements.
The error (usually 217) comes up when the Data Base of your clients cannot be opened. What manages these data base files (open/read/write) is the Borland Data Base Engine (BDE).
Usually it comes up when you try to open a pre-2016 program especially on a new computer. The easiest solution is to install the Common Components (ComComp.exe) from the Downloads page (prior years section) of our web site
The Data Base operations programs are installed by the Common Components (ComComp.exe) that is available on our downloads page.
This installs various programs into the Windows/System32 folder such as vcl50.bpl and many other BPL and DLL files.
It is recommended that Firewalls and Antivirus programs are 'disabled' during installation of the ComComp.exe
Items you can try to resolve the problem:
0. Reboot your machine and try again.
1. Disable the Firewall and Download and install again the Common Components (ComComp). Also Download again the Last program update and try.
2. There may be a conflict between Simply Accounting (now owned by Sage) and VisualTax as they both use the Borland Data Base engine but different versions. Sometimes it may go on for months without any problem but it can start anytime. Very difficult to get around other than running the two programs on separate machines or creating different login passwords for these programs, as mentioned below. One user who is using Simply Accounting wrote:
All I did was to add a new user profile and set one up as "tax". When I log in with that user, it shows all my programs but I use only the T1 program (definitely not Sage 50 as I am afraid that might cause the problem again) When I want to use any of the other programs, I switch back to my original user account.
3. Restore your windows to a previous back up. It could be a windows update that caused the sudden problem
4. If you use Norton Utilities (Antivirus/Firewall) disable it at least temporarily (Norton may be deleting files)
5. Is there a file by the name PDOXUSRS.NET in your C drive? If there is, delete it and try running the program again.
6. Click here and download a special ComComp file by the name ComCompZip.exe: www.visualtax.com/downloads/comcompzip.exe
and Unzip it into the program folder such as C:\T1-2014 (not in the C:\Windows\system32 directory) and try running the program again. If successful, do the same for other VisualTax programs such as C:\T2-2015 or T1-2013, etc.
7. Uninstall any Wordperfect 8 software you may have, reinstall the Comcomp and try again.
Notes in VisualTax are classified into the following categories:
A. NOTES FOR THE TAXRETURN. When you right click on any form (in the colored area, outside the data entry boxes) you are getting 3 types of Notes you can use:
- Notepad: This a general purpose container of Notes you enter regarding the whole return or specific forms
- Notepad with Amounts: Used for Notes that need some mathematical additions
- Private Notepad: Used by the Tax Preparer for Notes that need to be carried forward from year to year, as reminders
B. NOTES FOR SPECIFIC ENTRY BOXES OF FORMS: When you right click a data entry box on a form, you are getting two types of notes:
NOTES: These notes are just textual notes about the data entry box. Their presence will be shown on the Audit Wizard as Notes so you can review them.
ADDING TAPES: You can enter and describe in these notes what makes up the amount you enter on a form. Their presence will be shown on the Audit Wizard as Adding Tapes so you can review them. For example: If you have a single item on a form that says 'Other expenses' then you can use the adding Tape to itemize what makes up the total amount. You can write Expense 1 =$ 100, Expense 2=$200 for a total of $300. The $300 can be posted to the 'Other Expenses' of the form.
C. PREPARATION STATUS NOTE: In the 'Save as' window the preparer can enter a short Note/Reminder. This will be shown as you browse through the tax returns via the Client Book, before opening the tax return
D. REVIEW MARKS: Sometimes you may need further time before finalizing a data box on a form. You can right click on it and select 'set Review Mark'. The Audit Wizard will show that you have field data on a form or forms that need review before finalizing.
None of the above notes will be part of an Efiled return. If you paper-file a return, none of the above will be printed out with the CRA Condensed printing. However, in some cases CRA may ask you to provide details as to how you arrived at something or provide additional documentation/explanation. They may prove useful in those cases, even if they are just reminders.
Click Configure -> General Options -> Display and REMOVE the tick mark from the line:
'Open Couple without warning'
Click Help and then Check Update via Web
CLOSE the program and login to www.visualtax.com and visit the Downloads page and click on the update file (T1Updxxx.exe). Select Run or Open
The 2019 letters need to be downloaded from Downloads page of www.visualtax.com See the link just below the VT-2019. Without the download they will not print properly due to the CRA changes of the tax return Line numbers in 2019
If you modified your own letters after the above download and still have problems: Click Configure -> Client Letter Design -> All default templates
Click on EfiledLetterORIGINAL.rtf Then Click File | Save Template As... and change the file name to be EfiledLetter.rtf by removing the word ORIGINAL
Repeat for PaperFiledORIGINAL.rtf
Predictive typing is based on keywords captured during the operation
of the program. Wrong entries are also captured.
They are captured in the following files:
To edit/clean up their contents, you can do the following:
1. If you have the T1 Power version of T1 you can use the Configure
| Super Entries and click on the Charities, Cities, etc. and delete
any wrong entries. or
2. Use the Windows explorer and double click on any of the above
The files are located in the T1 program directory (C:\vt-20xx\T1-20xx)
NOTE: Predictive Typing can also be disabled completely. See Configuration | General Options | Defaults and check box 'Do Not use predictive typing'.
This happens only in fast print mode (all pages are assembled together in a single print job). Fast print mode can be used in printers shared in a network. There is no significant benefit in printers directly attached to a workstation. To turn the 'Fast Print' mode off, click on 'Configuration | other options'.
Short Date Format in Windows:
If you experience a persistent error 'Invalid Date Format' as you enter the program or during its operation, temporarily at least set the Short Date Format as described below and notify us of the Short Date Format you are using and the Windows version you have.
Vista machines: Click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Regional and Language -> Customize this format -> Date and enter MM/dd/yyyy on the short date format and click Apply
Win 7 machines: Click Start ->in the Search box enter Short Date Format and once the window Region and Language comes up, click on 'Additional settings', then click the 'Date' tab and on the 'Short Date' enter MM/dd/yyyy and click Apply
XP machines: Click Start -> Control Panel -> Regional and Language -> Customize -> Date and enter MM/dd/yyyy on the short date format and click Apply
Check the Display properties via the Control Panel. Increase the Screen Resolution and also set the DPI (normally via Advanced setting) to 96 DPI.
The tax forms can be increased / decreased with the Zoom facility of the program (+ or -) as shown on the Desktop section of icons of the program.
Suppose you need to add a new keyword called 'Care of'.
1. Get the 'care of' field Id: Open the INFO form a tax return, Click Configure -> Show Field Numbers and look at the Care off box: The Filed Number is 8. Then Click Configure -> Show Field Numbers so you get rid of the field numbers. Enter something on the Care of box so you can test it.
2. Add the new Keyword to Data Dictionary: Click Configure -> Client Letter Design -> and Click Data Dictionary and click the + button to add the new Key word: KeyWord= Care_of FormName= INFO Field_no= 8
3. Modify a letter to include the new keyword. Click the Letter you want to modify i.e. and figure out where you are going to use it and how: To enter the new keyword you muse enter [Care_of] in the appropriate place.
4. Test the letter: Click the preview button. Do not Save the letter until you are happy.
If you do not remember the program Password, do the following: Close/Exit the program and use the Windows Explorer (or File Explorer) and locate the folder where the program has been installed such as C:\VT-2019. Then double click on that folder and find a file call lverf.ex_ and click it and press the delete button of your keyboard. Then Run the program again and it will ask you for the keys again.
No, just complete the T1DD form(Account information). Starting with 2019, the Direct Deposit info will not be caprured on the T1 jacket. But it will be submitted to CRA via the tax return Efiling process.
Direct Deposit cannot be used for Deceased or Bankcrupt tax payers.
Enter them all in ONE spouse with percentages for each one. One of the spouse's may have 0% meaning it fully belongs to the other spouse
On the 'INFO' form, Filing Section at the end, check the Bankruptcy box. Then complete the Bankruptcy info (press F6 and enter Bankrupt). When you save the return, change the file name to 99999999.9PR (for pre-Bankruptcy) or 99999999.9PO (for post-Bankruptcy) where 9999.. is the SIN of the tax payer.
Run the program and enter the name of the combined folder via Configure -> General Options -> Data directories.
Use the Windows File Explorer and Copy ALL files from the various VT Data folders into the combined folder. Ensure these files represent the latest versions you have.
Run the program and Click Utilities -> Rebuild the Client Data Base.
Display the Form. Click on Utilities\Advanced\Change Text on current form
Select the line of the original text. Enter the new text on the Replace box, Click on Apply Change button and then exit.
This change is only temporary and it will not hold once exit the program. Notify VisualTax technical support for a permanent fix.
Close all returns and click on Utilities|Advanced|Change Form Specifications.
Locate the form. Enter 'True' under the heading 'SHOWFLAG'
Click on Configure|Client Letter Design
On the Letter Designer screen, double click on the Letter you have interest in.
Modify the text on the body of the letter and click on the 'Save As..' button.
Stop the coupling by clicking the red 'Family On' button and remove it from both spouses by right clicking it and selecting 'Clear Form' . Then re-couple.
TR stands for Tax Research and it refers to the VisualTax Tax
Research Engine that allows you to do in depth research of tax subjects
via the Information Circulars, Information Bulletins, the Income
Tax Act, etc.. You can activate the TR by clicking on the Help Menu
| Tax Research.
For more info click here Tax Research
Bundled prices apply only with purchase of the 'Power' version of the T1.
Subsequant software purchase for the same year qualifies for bundle pricing.
Step 1. Copy the tax return (It is a file by SIN No for T1's
or Account no for T2's in your data directory) from the lap top
data directory into the data directory of the main machine. The
data directories are shown on the Configure | Data Directories window.
Step 2. If the tax return already existed on the main machine then
this step is not required. You just use the "open" command
and the up-to-date file shows on the Client book.
If the tax return is a brand new one prepared on the other machine,
the return will not show on the Client book. In this case, use the
'File | Open by File Name' and find the file of the new return (Sin
or Account). Double click on it and that opens up the tax return.
Once you save the return it will start appearing on the Client Book.
In Control Panel | Settings | Display | Settings | Advanced use
Small Fonts (not large fonts).
Also ensure that the display is set at 800 X 600 resolution or higher
Press Ctrl F3. This saves all returns currently loaded. If you
press Shift F3, the returns are saved and closed with the minimum
of effort.
A plain F3 saves only the current return, while allowing you to
select the 'save to' folder and the 'status' of the return being
Each text line should start with a TAB for indentation and be terminated with the 'Enter' key. In general, do not use the space bar for spacing. Leave a single space before and after the > < or = symbols otherwise you may get error 'invalid number'. You can use the Enter key to push down the text and create empty lines. Do not copy text from templates created with other programs. Just type it in. You can find useful paragraphs in a more complex letter called 'Single.ltr' listed under 'All default templates'.
2d Bar Code is a technology that allows tax data to be printed as a two-dimensional
bar code.
CRA can then use special equipment to decipher the data from the bar code,
therefore avoiding the keying of the tax return and the related KS-summary.
CRA is promoting this technology rather hard since there are still many
paper filers (not using Efile).
For T1-2004 returns, 2D Bar code is optional.
2D Bar Code was not in our priorities this year and of course it is not
included in the Feb 26 update.
We will be looking closer at this pilot project to see if we can reliably
offer it for T1 2004 paper filing and we will inform you by EMail.
Leave the names in designated format (Sin No). This ensures uniqueness of file names and facilitates coupling and Efile. Change the file name only if you want to create another version of the return such as for planning purposes or other purposes.